MegaMan: Upon a Star (OVA)

ADR Production: The Ocean Group
Recording Studio: Ocean Studios
Release Studio: Capcom
Union Status: Union
The dub release date for this title has not been properly verified, and may not be entierly accurate.
- Casting Director: Karl Willems
- Voice Director: Terry Klassen
- Dialogue Editor: Jason Fredrickson
- Recording Engineer: Keith A. Goddard
- Production Coordinator: Teruko Hozumi
- Script Conformation: Ward Perry
Main Cast
- Brandon O'Bray - Yuuta Kobayashi
- Christopher Gray - Megaman
- Gregory Smith - Megaman
- Sean Amsing - Yuuta Kobayashi
- Andrea Libman - Roll
- Campbell Lane - Mr. Kobayashi
- Cathy Weseluck - Mrs. Kobayashi
- Jim Byrnes - Dr. Light
- Kaj-Erik Eriksen - Protoman
- Kathleen Barr - Mrs. Kobayashi
- Kelly Sheridan - Akane Kobayashi
- Scott McNeil
- Beat
- Dr. Wily
- Beat
- Terry Klassen - Rush
- Consultant: Ruby-Spears Productions
Media Production
- Post Production: Monkey Boy Post
- Production: ADV Films
- Authoring: M.O.F.C.
- Editor:
- Creative Director:
- Executive Producer:
- Subtitles:
- Project Translator: Kazki Watanabe
- Senior Translator: Shoko Oono
- Production Assistant:
- Menu Design:
- Coordinator: Anthony Benavides
- Post Production Manager: Shelly Thomas
- Production: Andrew Kent
- Graphics: Larry Koteff
- International Coordinator: Toru Iwakami