Episodeless entries - Disgaea (TV)
We lack information on which episodes the following appear in:
- 1. The Sleeping Prince in the Garbage Dump
Unidentified roles: Demonic Warrior
- 2. Scratch 1 Mid-Boss, Add 1 Vassal
Recurring: A.D. Adams (Vulcanus), Dave Lelyveld (Prinny A), Grant George (Vyers)
- 3. Welcome to the Netherworld Hall of Treasures
Recurring: A.D. Adams (Vulcanus), Dave Lelyveld (Prinny A), Grant George (Vyers)
Unidentified roles: Underworld Voice
- 4. A Solomon-style Judgement in the Dinero Castle?!
Recurring: Dave Lelyveld (Prinny A)
Episodic: Grant George (Krichevskoy), Michael McConnohie (Zenisky), Mona Marshall (Koganesky)