Episodeless entries - .hack//Roots (TV)
We lack information on which episodes the following appear in:
- 1. Welcome to "The World"
Recurring: Paul Dobson (Naobi), Russell Roberts (Phyllo)
Episodic: Ashleigh Ball (Caster A), Chris Cound (Caster A), Jason Simpson (Caster B), Tabitha St. Germain (Caster B)
Incidental: Chris Cound (Iyoten), Tabitha St. Germain (Asta, Nazo Grunty)
- 2. Twilight Brigade
Recurring: Kirby Morrow (Gord), Lalainia Lindbjerg (B Set), Paul Dobson (Naobi), Russell Roberts (Phyllo)
- 3. Join
Incidental: John Murphy (Haseo Fan 1), Kirby Morrow (Looter 1), Paul Dobson (Haseo Fan 2)
Unidentified roles: Looter 2
- 4. Fore feel
Recurring: Kirby Morrow (Gord), Lalainia Lindbjerg (B Set), Paul Dobson (Naobi), Russell Roberts (Phyllo)
Incidental: Tabitha St. Germain (Nazo Grunty, Receptionist)
- 5. Distrust
Recurring: Kirby Morrow (Gord), Lalainia Lindbjerg (B Set), Paul Dobson (Naobi), Russell Roberts (Phyllo)
Incidental: Brian Drummond (Nasubi)
Unidentified roles: TaN Member