Cromartie High: The Movie (live action)

ADR Production: Arvintel Media Productions
Recording Studio: The Surround Factory
Release Studio: Tokyo Shock
Union Status: Non-union
- Director: Ruben Arvizu
- Editor: Naneen Paglieri
- Engineer: Peter McDonald
- Production Assistant: Betty Anderson
- Production Supervisor: Sean Molyneaux
- Executive Producer: John Sirabella
- Subtitles:
- Translator: Takeshi Kino
- Script Adaptation: J.J. Vallejo
- John Doe #10 - Takashi Kamiyama
- Ezra Weisz - Maeda
- Grant George - Hayashida
- Michael McConnohie - Shinichi Mechazawa
- Peter Doyle - Takeshi Hokuto
- Robert Buchholz - Takenouchi
- Dan Lorge
- Actor 1
- Hijacker
- Actor 1
- Dan Woren - Kai Ato
- Dave Mallow - Masa
- Doug Stone
- Actor 2
- Gori
- Noburo Yamaguchi
- Michael McConnohie - Narrator
- Talis Axelrod - Hokuto's Henchman
- Yuri Lowenthal - Ichiro Yamamoto
- Doug Stone - Electrician
- Kristen Rutherford
- Bride
- Woman Islander
- Patrick Seitz
- Ladies Man
- Sendo
- Ruben Arvizu
- Ia
- Mechazawa Beta
- Priest
- Ia
- Talis Axelrod
- Ippo
- Member 1
- Yuri Lowenthal - Mashiba
Media Production
- Art Director: Dana Gill
- Authoring: Dave Beinlich