Episodeless entries - FLAG (TV)
We lack information on which episodes the following appear in:
- 1. Flag
Recurring: David Lodge (Graig North), Michael McConnohie (SDAC Chief)
Episodic: Tony Oliver (General)
Incidental: Chris Kent (UN Official), Michael McConnohie (UN Press Officer), Tony Oliver (Keiichi)
- 2. Portrait
Recurring: David Lodge (Graig North), Michael McConnohie (SDAC Chief)
Episodic: Mela Lee (Lisa)
Incidental: Tony Oliver (Keiichi)
- 3. Embedded Reporting
Incidental: David Lodge (Naraya), Michael McConnohie (Traffic Controller), Tony Oliver (Base Operator)
- 4. Night of the New Moon
Recurring: David Lodge (Graig North), Michael McConnohie (SDAC Chief)
Incidental: David Lodge (Lee, Operator), Mela Lee (Former Kufura Girl), Tony Oliver (Maintenance Crew)