Legend of the 4 Kings, The (TV)

Original Title: Legend of the Dragon Kings
Episodes: 1 (Incomplete)
Dub Release: 6 February 1995
ADR Production: Manga Entertainment, Ltd.
Release Studio: Manga Entertainment, Ltd.
Union Status: Unknown
- Casting Director: Jill Wilmot
- Dubbing Director: Michael Bakewell
- Dubbing Mixer:
- Re-Recording Engineer: Clive Mitchison
- Theme Music:
- Executive Producer: Laurence Guinness
- Script Adaptation: John Wolskel
- Alan Healy - Tsuzuku Ryudo
- Alex McSweeney - Owaru Ryudo
- Jeff Harding - Hajime Ryudo
- Paul Bailey - Amaru Ryudo
- Toni Barry - Matsuri Toba
- Blair Fairman - Seichiro Toba
- Garrick Hagon - Takabayashi
- John Bennett - Mr. Furuta
- Peter Marinker - Gozen