Harmagedon (movie)

Original Title: The Great Battle with Genma
Episodes: 1
Dub Release: 5 November 1996
Sub Release: 7 July 1993
ADR Production: Audioworks Producers Group
Recording Studio: Kampo Audio/Video
Release Studio: U.S. Manga Corps
Union Status: Non-union
- Rewrite: Jay Parks
- Director: Kip Kaplan
- Video Editor: Danny Cornyetz
- Assistant Engineer: Paul LaPlaca
- Mixing Engineer: Andy Ebberbach
- Recording Engineer: Andy Ebberbach
- Production Assistant: Mari Ana Rivera
- Production Coordinator: Edward S. Whang
- Executive Producer: John O'Donnell
- Producer:
- Translation:
- Eric Lamp - Jo
- John Hollywood - Vega
- Wendy Walker - Luna
- B. Jaye Driscoll - Yogin
- Jeff Eigen - Shiro
- Matt Black - Zambi
- Meryl Pam Cooper - Michiko
- Nefta Perry - Sonny
- Russell Arendt - Zamedi
- Sky Watkins - Tao
- Tom Clifford - The Doctor
Media Production
- Menu Design: Crest National
- Premastering: Crest National
- Coordinator: Eric Thomann
- In-House Production: Justin Sevakis
- In-House Production Manager: Tim Werenko