Princess Rouge: The Legend of the Last Labyrinth (OVA)

Original Title: Princess Rouge: The Legend of the Last Labyrinth
Episodes: 2
Dub Release: 2000
Sub Release: 1999
- Associate Director: Pamela Weidner
- Voice Director: Scott Houle
- Audio Engineer: Nick Stuteville
- Dialog Mixer: Ron Abfalter
- FX Designer: Skip Bowerman
- Music & Effects Editor: Kevin Turner
- Communications: Billie Houle
- Duplications: Billie Toney
- Production Manager:
- Production Supervisor: Clark Cheng
- Executive Producer: John Sirabella
- Script Supervisor: Jack Green
Main Cast
- Juliet Cesario - Rouge
- Katey Dennett - Kaige
- Michelle Gagliano - Meige
- Scott Simpson - Yusuke Mizuki
- Ashley McDaid - Kaoru Takami
- Carol Pendergrast - Kayo
- Dave Underwood - Raiga
- David Fuchs - Takashi Fujikawa
- Tony Schnur - Tsutomu Ota
- Treena Hales - Koine Suzumura
- Editing Studio: RG Video
- Translation: Tokyo Rose
Media Production
- Packaging Design: Merideth Mulroney