Ranma ½: Anything Goes Martial Arts (Season 2) (TV)

Original Title: Ranma ½: Record of Lukewarm Scuffles
Episodes: 19 - 40
Dub Release: 7 March 1995
Sub Release: 1996
ADR Production: The Ocean Group
Recording Studio: Ocean Studios
Release Studio: Viz Media
Union Status: Union
- Casting: Sarah-Anne Dafoe
- Dialogue Director: Terry Klassen
- Assistant Engineer:
- Mixer:
- Recording Engineer:
- Wordfit Editor:
- Production Supervisor: Toshifumi Yoshida
- Video Post-Production: Pierre de la Roche
- Associate Producer: Satoru Fujii
- Executive Producer: Seiji Horibuchi
- Screenplay: Trish Ledoux
- Translation: Toshifumi Yoshida
- Lyrics: Trish Ledoux
Main Cast
- Myriam Sirois - Akane Tendo
- Sarah Strange - Male Ranma Saotome
- Venus Terzo - Female Ranma Saotome
- Angela Costain - Nabiki Tendo
- Brad Swaile - Mousse
- Cathy Weseluck - Shampoo
- David Kaye - Soun Tendo
- Elan Ross Gibson - Cologne
- Michael Donovan - Ryoga Hibiki
- Paul Dobson - Happosai
- Robert O. Smith
- Genma Saotome
- Sasuke Sarugakure
- Ted Cole - Tatewaki Kuno
- Willow Johnson - Kasumi Tendo
- Distribution: Geneon Entertainment
Media Production
- Package Design: Yoshiyuki Higuchi