Ronin Warriors (TV)

Original Title: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers
Episodes: 39
Dub Release: 26 June 1995
Sub Release: 23 April 2002
Released on DVD (11)
ADR Production: The Ocean Group
Recording Studio: Ocean Studios
Release Studio: Graz Entertainment
Union Status: Union
- Director:
- Video Editing: Nicholas Manara
- Additional SFX:
- Dialogue Editor:
- Mixer:
- Recording Engineer:
- Theme Music:
- Post Production Supervisor: Gil Iverson
- Production Coordinator: Kim Wishart Goddard
- Production Manager:
- Producer: Michael Hack
- Subtitles: Kevin McKeown
- Translation: Kevin McKeown
- Script Conformation: Ward Perry
- Script Supervisor: Barry G. Hawkins
- Writer:
Main Cast
- Jason Gray-Stanford - Kento of Hardrock
- Matt Hill - Ryo of the Wildfire
- Michael Donovan
- Cye of the Torrent
- Sage of the Halo
- Ward Perry - Rowan of Strata
- Christopher Turner - Yuli
- David Kaye
- Ancient One
- Narrator
- Jane Perry - Lady Kayura
- Lalainia Lindbjerg - Mia Koji
- Matt Smith - Dias
- Mina Mina - Talpa
- Paul Dobson - Anubis
- Richard Newman - Kale
- Ward Perry
- Badamon
- Sekhmet
Media Production
- Menu Design: Pulpgraphix
- Production Services: Blink Digital
- Producer: Charles McCarter
- Executive Producer: Ken Iyadomi