Irresponsible Captain Tylor, The (TV)

Original Title: Musekinin Kanchou Tylor
Episodes: 26
Dub Release: 6 July 1999
Sub Release: 21 October 1997
ADR Production: TAJ Productions
Recording Studio: Sonomat, Inc.
Release Studio: The Right Stuf International, Inc.
Union Status: Non-union
- Dubbing Director:
- On-Line Editor: Adam Payne
- ADR Engineer: Dan Rich
- Mix Engineer: Dan Rich
- Production Coordinator: Jeff Thompson
- Video Formatting Supervisor: Jason Bergenfeld
- Dubbing Producer:
- Executive Producer: Shawne P. Kleckner
- Translation: Neil Nadelman
- Irresponsible Fan Consultant: Jeff Katin
- Liner Notes: Neil Nadelman
- Lyrics: Heath Stegemann
Main Cast
- Buddy Woodward - Ens. Kojiro Sakai
- Carol Jacobanis - P.O. Harumi Nakagawa
- Crispin Freeman - Cpt. Justy Ueki Tylor
- Ed Paul - Lt. Harold Katori
- J. David Brimmer - Lt. Makato Yamamoto
- Jill Seifers - Lt. Kyon Hwa Kim
- Joe Dopico - Lt. Karl Byorn Andressen
- Josh Mosby - Cpt. Ru Baraba Dom
- Lisa Ortiz
- Emp. Goza XVI Azalyn D'el Kran Rykun
- Pilot Trainee Emi Hanner
- Pilot Trainee Yumi Hanner
- Nathan Price - Mstr. Sgt. Mickey Cryburn
- Rachael Lillis - Lt. Cmdr. Yuriko Star
- Stan Hart - Dr. Hidezaburo Kitaguchi
- Nathan Price - P.M. Naku Ra Wang
- Robert O'Gorman - Adm. Sesshu Mifuni
- Ross Charap - Adm. Susumu Fuji
- Stan Hart - Adm. Yutta Do Lonawer
- Veronica Taylor - Cpt. Shia Has
- Subtitles: Captions, Inc.
- Video Post: National Boston Video Center
Media Production
- Authoring: Little Lion Studios
- Quality Control:
- Production Coordination: Paolo Rubino
- Packaging Design: Jeff Thompson
- Art Direction: Darlene Hamilton
- DVD Animation: Ted McDonald
- Authoring: Matt Campbell
- Compression: Larry X. Zhang