Transformers: Armada (TV)

Original Title: Super Living-Robot Transformer The Legend of Micron
Episodes: 52
Dub Release: 23 August 2002
Released on DVD (5)
ADR Production: Voicebox Productions
Recording Studio: Koko Productions
Release Studio: Sabella Dern Entertainment, Inc.
Union Status: Union
- Voice Director: Terry Klassen
- Avid | DS Artist: Bruce W. Cathcart
- Dialogue Editor: Reshaun Hawley
- Digital Audio Transfer: John Lampinen
- Music Editor: Marc S. Perlman
- Re-Recording Mixer:
- Sound Design: Michael Warner
- Production Coordinator: Robert Stemwell
- Executive Producer:
- Producer:
- Translation:
- Adaptation:
- Creative Consultant:
Main Cast
- Brent Miller - Hotshot
- Colin Murdock - Thrust
- David Kaye - Megatron / Galvatron
- Garry Chalk - Optimus Prime
- Kirby Morrow - Rad
- Matt Hill - Carlos
- Michael Dobson - Starscream / Thundercracker
- Scott McNeil - Jetfire
- Tabitha St. Germain - Alexis
- Alvin Sanders - Demolisher
- Andrew Francis - Billy
- Brian Dobson - Red Alert
- Brian Drummond - Blurr
- Dale Wilson - Smokescreen / Hoist
- Don Brown - Cyclonus
- Doug Parker - Tidal Wave
- Jim Conrad - Narrator
- Michael Daingerfield
- Highwire
- Wheeljack
- Paul Dobson - Sideways
- Sam Vincent - Sideswipe
- Tony Sampson - Fred
- Ward Perry - Scavenger
- Post Production Audio Services: Advantage Audio, Inc.
- Post Production Services: Metropolitan Entertainment
- Story Editor: Hasbro, Inc.