Heroic Legend of Arslan, The (OVA)

ADR Production: Michael Alben, Inc.
Recording Studio: Kampo Audio/Video
Release Studio: U.S. Manga Corps
Union Status: Non-union
- Casting: Sondra James
- Director: Michael Alben
- Dubbing Supervisor: Anthony Salerno
- Assistant Editor: Karl George
- On-Line Editor: Anthony Gianni
- Recording Assistant: Andy Diekroger
- Recording Engineer:
- Production Coordinator: Karel Havle
- Executive Producer: John O'Donnell
- Producer: Stephanie Shalofsky
- Translation:
- Adaptation: Michael Alben
Main Cast
- Edward Britton - Darun
- Greg Baglia - Arslan
- Harry Krause - Guibu
- Jacques LeCan - Kubard
- Simone Grant - Farangis
- Elisa Wain - Arfurido
- Michael Gerard - Lajendra
- Roger Rifkin - Andragoras
- Casting: Speakeasy
- Editing Facility: National Video Center (National Sound)
- Subtitling: Studio Nemo