Heroic Legend of Arslan, The (OVA)

Original Title: Arslan Senki
Episodes: 4
Released: 5 January 1994
- Rewrite: Jay Parks
- Casting: Jill Wilmot
- Dubbing Director: Michael Bakewell
- Dubbing Mixer: Richard King
- Re-Recording Engineer: Clive Mitchison
- Executive Producer:
- Producer: Stephanie Shalofsky
- Subtitle Translation:
- Script Adaptation:
Main Cast
- Ben Fairman - Arislan
- Danny Flynn - Narsus
- Gwen Jenkins - Arfurido
- Kristopher Milnes - Elam
- Pamela Merrick - Pharangese
- Sean Barrett - Silver Mask
- Steven Pacey - Daryoon
- Timothy Bentinck - Gieve
- David Arnold - Quishward
- Matthew Morgan - Jaswant
- Pamela Merrick - Tahamenay
- Peter Marinker - Narrator
- Robert Phillips - Zante
- Translation: KSS Inc.