Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales – Goddess of the Dark Tower DVD
Toei Animation’s unique series of classic Japanese horror tales has been brought to America as Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales. Our first tale brings Izumi Kyoka’s play, Tenshu Monogatari, to life as we follow a young falconer named Zushonosuke Himekawa and his dream-like encounter with Princess Tomihime while searching for a falcon under his care. Zushonosuke can’t erase the woman from his mind, but he is about to step into a world unlike any he has ever known. Princess Tomihime and her servants are “forgotten gods,” and the rules dictate that those who have seen them must perish. Geneon Entertainment brings the first of three classic Japanese stories to the Western world with Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales – Goddess of the Dark Tower. (more…)